Friday, April 15, 2011

What??? Nothing Wrong today?

OK I could list a number of things that aren't right in my life right now, but why bother? I'm focusing on what's not wrong, keeping the focus on positive reminds me of when I was a child. Nothing is ever wrong in a child's life except for an occational fight with a friend, or a bad grade on a test. But it's all so temporary, why does becoming an adult automatically give us such pressures ok call it responsibility.
But when you turn 50 life seems a lot different, for so many years worry has played an important role in my life and where did it get me?
No where special in my life, so for today, I focus on what's not wrong in my life and keep the attitude on positive.
Even though my head want's to give me lots of things to worry about, I'm in control of my thinking, about the only thing I am in control of these days, oh except for my bladder, that's still cooperating with me!! Thank God............................................Until tomorrow, there is nothing to worry about today, it's a beautiful day. Keeping the gratitude up and the attitude higher

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Watching men fish

Nothing more fun then watching men fish. From early morning they line the shore cast their lines and wait. Kinda like life we cast our thoughts and wishes then wait, sometimes a big catch and sometimes just enjoying the day sitting in the sunshine.
I'm sitting in my house on the shore, watching these men everyday drive up with hopes of getting some nice stripers! Yeh it's striper season right now and their catching up to 40" of delicious fish.
Last week it was as if they were jumping out of the bay, this week not so successful it seems.
But their here rain, wind, cloudy days, doesn't bother this hardy group of men.
Just watching them from inside the house as I type, the bay is calm today not many white caps, perhaps it will be a good day? The beach is getting really full with lines
Gotta get some beers maybe do some bartering??
Yeh, good eats tonight!!!

Everything is exactly the way it should be today

I use to think that life sucked big time, but after years of sitting in self pity and remorse, I got to thinking! If I could be so negitive then perhaps I could embrase positive, so here I am on my way. Every time I have a thought I turn it into " Why not me" or " Yeh this stuff is good" My mind can come up with the craziest thoughts. I use to believe them to be true now I look at them as just another thought, doesn't mean anything only the power I put behind it.
So gone are the days that I believe myself or even take myself so seriously. Who did I think I was? Now I ask for an intutive thought, you know the ones, that tell you to go right and you go left only to hear youself say I knew I should have gone with that!
Intutive thinking animal instinct call it what you want but getting in turn with those thoughts are the powerful ideas.
Trying too hard and getting no where? Yes I'm guilty of that, but with a little effort and a lot of practice i hope to be living just in a moment of intutive thought, when I'm not I'll be having fun!
Yeh what about that? What kinda fun will I have today? HMMM